
Rising Currents: Re-Visioning New York City Through the Lens of Climate Change

"Rising Currents", a current exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art presents a dazzling synthesis of environmental science, art, architecture and visionary design. The work, by five interdisciplinary teams of design and architectural firms, re-visions the urban landscape of New York City to confront a world altered by rising sea levels and storm surges induced by climate change.

The exhibit space dramatically presents a series of design ideas expressed through display boards, multimedia, physical models, and computerized data visualizations.

The design work is supported by a foundation of detailed scientific analysis, documented in Guy Nordenson's remarkable book, On the Water|Palisade Bay (a product of beautiful design in its own right - kudos to Lizzie Hodges). The teams used the tools of science - fluid dynamic modeling, geographic information systems, quantitative analysis of dynamic systems - to inform environmentally and socially sustainable landscape and infrastructural designs.

The resulting design strategies seek to offer protection to the urbanized spaces of Lower Manhattan and Palisade Bay from rising seas and increased storm intensity and frequency. In some cases, they do so by inviting the water to enter and to accommodate its presence through softened infrastructure and landscapes which "rethink the thresholds of water, land, and city". The design objectives include construction "of an archipelago of islands and reefs along the shallow shoals of the New York–New Jersey Upper Bay to dampen powerful storm currents as well as encourage the development of new estuarial habitats","revitalize the waterfront by designing a broad, porous, 'fingered' coastline which combines tidal marshes, parks, and piers for recreation and community development."

The visualization of these new spaces forces the viewer to re-evaluate the relationship between "natural" forces and human activity which now so dramatically influences them. This is an exhibit for the scientist, the artist, and the concerned citizen in each of us. A detailed exhibition blog provides more information. The exhibit runs through October 11, 2010.

(Exhibition photography © 2010 Armen Elliott Photography,

Green Maps® Go Mobile: "What's Green Near You?"

GreenMap®,the global award-winning community & environmental mapmaking system, is launching its new mobile platform for smartphones, PDAs and other hand-held devices, making its Open Green Map system available to mobile phone users on-the-go.

The Lehigh Valley's first Green Map - the Environmental Features of the City of Easton, Pennsylvania is now available for mobile users. The Green Map was created through a partnership between Easton's Environmental Advisory Council and Lafayette College's Mapping Urban Ecology course.  Mobile smartphone users can now access the Open Green Map system and by entering their location will see a list of "green" and community sites nearby. Each site references more detailed information and is linked to Google Maps. 

Now in its 15th year, Green Map System has engaged communities worldwide in mapping green living, nature and cultural resources with a unique system of mapping icons and adaptable tools.  The system promotes inclusive participation in sustainable community development with perspective-changing Green Maps that chart local natural, cultural and social resources.

From Green Map: "Open Green Map creates an interactive space for everyone to share their insights, images and impacts about local green sites of all kinds. Open Green Map connects the booming 'go local,' green development and ecotourism movements, empowering widespread participation in critical local environment, climate and equity issues worldwide. Based on open source and familiar mapping technologies like Google Map, Open Green Maps are always available, easily updated, expanded and explored in online, mobile and custom formats, to celebrate sustainability and social resources without barriers."

Among its honors, Green Map System is a recipient of the US National Sustainability Award in New Communications Tools, listed among the 100 United Nations Best Practices, a Technology Benefiting Humanity Laureate, and a Stockholm Challenge finalist.